The Richwood-North Union Public Library has fax service (send only), color printers, and copy machines available for public use. We accept debit & credit cards for prints that reach or exceed $5 only.

10 cents (¢) per page

15 cents (¢) per page
Outgoing fax: $.50 per page
Scan to USB: Free
Scan to Email: Free
Print by Email
Documents must be sent to the following email address as an attachment:
You will get a confirmation email that the print job has been received and will be available for pickup at the front desk. The email address is not monitored. If you have specific directions for your prints, (i.e. certain number of copies, on different sized paper, etc.) please let the library administrator know.
Print by Website
While in the building, connect to our public Wi-Fi Richwood Library. Go to and enter the login information below. Click on Submit a Job to the left and submit your documents to be printed.
Username: patron
Password: library